Sesame Seed Substitute

Sesame Seed Substitute

Sesame Seed Substitute – Best Alternatives in 2024

Need Sesame Seed Substitutes? Super Seeds and Nuts to the Rescue

Sesame seeds are delicious toppings for a lot of food. You can add them to burger buns, pastries, breadsticks, or even sushi and ice-creams. What our taste buds love so much about sesame seeds is their delicious nutty flavor, and their strong aroma when roasted and also exhibited in sesame paste.

Sesame seeds are added to many dishes for texture, flavor, or garnish. If you run out of sesame seeds, are allergic, or need a substitute for any other reason, consider why the recipe calls for sesame seeds before you make a substitution.

If you’re wondering what’ll work best as a sesame seed substitute, experiment with the following alternatives.

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Black Sesame Seeds are a great alternative to White Sesame seed

Black sesame seeds have an even stronger, nuttier, crunchier taste than white sesame seeds. They have the same nutty, umami-rich flavor, and a similar texture and aroma. They can easily be swapped for savory and sweet dishes.

Tahini Paste

This is a paste made from roasted, ground sesame seeds. It has a deep, distinctive flavor, but it can be a little bitter to some taste buds. Buy tahini that’s 100% sesame without other ingredients added that’ll alter its flavor, like palm oil.

Sesame Oil

Can you replace sesame seeds with sesame oil?

You can use sesame seeds in oil form. A little drizzle will go a long way, and it’ll work the same as seeds but without the extra bite. Added to soups, stews, stir-fries, and salads, sesame oil gives you a great nutty flavor and aroma. You can pair it with another sesame substitute for a flavorful, textured mix, but don’t bake with it since it burns easily.

Sunflower Seed

Can you replace sesame seeds with seed oil from sunflowers?

Add sunflower seeds as topping for bread, sprinkle them for texture in salads, or use them to coat crispy fried chicken. Unsalted sunflower seeds have the same nutty flavor as sesame seeds, so they’re a good substitute in baking and as a garnish, but won’t cut it in rice dishes or sushi.

Flax Seed

Similar in shape to black sesame seeds and with a satisfying crunch, flax seeds can be used as a substitute for sesame seeds in desserts, bread, and bagels. You can use them as an egg substitute for binding the dough, and also add them to your smoothies or cereal.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds have a milder aroma and taste than sesame seeds. Enjoy their delicious, nutty flavor in salads, yogurts, bread, or oatmeal, and use them in baked goods and as garnish. Hemp seeds -[see substitutes] won’t work in sushi as well as sesame seeds do, though.

Poppy Seed

Poppy seeds can be mistaken for black sesame seeds, but they’re smaller and have a special flavor. They have a milder aroma and lack that strong nutty flavor, but add more crunchiness than sesame seeds. Sprinkle into your stir-fries, salad dressings, bread toppings, and use them as garnish.

Mixed Chopped Nuts

You can replicate that nutty taste and crunchy texture we love so much about sesame seeds using almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, or peanuts.

A mixture of roasted, chopped nuts will add extra flavor and aroma to your dish. Nuts work in savory and sweet recipes alike. They’re excellent in cakes, cookies, muffins, bread, and noodles, and stir-fried vegetables.

Other highly mentioned substitutes are also

  • flax seed
  • chia seed
  • seed butter
  • peanut butter
  • avocado

Can I use Golden linseed instead of sesame seeds

Yes, you can use golden linseed instead of sesames seeds. However, you should know that golden linseed has a different taste and texture.

Can you replace sesame seeds with chia seeds

Chia seeds are a great alternative for sesame seeds as well as Nigella Seeds. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and protein. You can use them in place of sesame seeds in recipes like hummus, salads, smoothies, and cookies. 

Can I replace sesame paste with peanut butter

Yes, you can use peanut butter instead of sesame paste. However, it is important to note that peanut butter has a higher fat content than sesame paste. Therefore, you should be careful when using peanut butter because it is not a perfect alternative.

Is there a difference in taste between black and white sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are smaller than white sesame seeds. They also have a stronger flavor. White sesame seeds are usually used for cooking while black sesame seeds are mostly eaten raw and used as a decoration.

How do I substitute for capers?

In a Nutshell

Seeds and nuts are superfoods. They’re some of the best sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Flax and hemp seeds are excellent for heart health. Pumpkin and chia seeds are also good substitutes. Mixing and matching any of the sesame seed substitutes mentioned above will guarantee delicious food and great health.

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