Tejocote Root Side Effects

Tejocote Root Side Effects

Just keep in mind that when you use Tejocote roots, there are fourteen different species of it that have common names. And since manufacturers produce the same labels of this plant even if they vary greatly in nutrient content and uses, there is no way that you would know what species you are using. That is why be very careful and curious every time you purchase a tejocote root product.

Here is a Tejocote product with over 2000 ratings you can check out.

What does Tejocote root do? (Tejecote roots benefits)

Aside from its fruits that can be made into jellies, candies, and jam, its roots are usually made into medicinal purposes and are extracted for the purpose of making it into a tea or capsules for weight loss.

Tejocote roots have also been used as traditional medicines in Mexico, specifically in pre-Hispanic time, in treating ailments such as coughs, respiratory problems, and detoxification since it is a diuretic plant and a 100% natural drink. But, it can never be used in culinary preparation.

There have been not enough scientific studies regarding how effective this plant is but individuals who have experienced taking tejocote root extract have claimed to have experienced its benefits such as:

  • Reduces guilt or anxiety in eating since this is a natural product
  • Reduces knee pain and the risk of arthritis
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Removes fat from muscles
  • Eliminates accumulated fat in the body, thus, recommended if you plan to lose weight
  • Prevents sagging and firms the skin
  • Reduce unwanted cellulite
  • A high content of vitamin C and carotenoids which is good for immunity
  • Lower the cholesterol levels
  • Cleanses the colon
  • Relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body
Tejocote Root for weight loss

Is Tejocote Good For Weight Loss?

People take Mexican scammony root to empty the bowels and many say it makes you feel full as well. Commonly known a alipotec root of tejocote.  (Mexican hawthorn)

How Does It Work?

Mexican scammony  root acts like a strong laxative and pushes stool through the intestines. Often referred to as  Stimulant laxatives which speed up the bowels

What are the side effects of tejocote root?

The commonly reported side effects of tejocote root are vomiting and other intestinal problems.

Secondary side effects are these:

  • Frequent urination, since the root detoxifies the body and cleans out the stomach
  • Muscle aches
  • Slight weakness due to the reduction of excess body fat
  • Gas and flatulence during the first few days of intake
  • Small lumps in the body, especially under the breasts for women, since tejocote root in encapsulating the fat before being eliminated in the body.
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Headaches, especially if you are dehydrated
  • Diarrhea since tejocote root cleanses the colon

Call your doctor if you experience these serious side effects:

  • Red blood in your stools
  • Frequent signs of low blood sugar such as dizziness, hunger, shaking, rapid heartbeat, sweating, or confusion.
  • Frequent throwing up
  • Severe loose bowel movement
  • Severe allergic reactions like chest tightness, seizures, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat; fever, itching, and a bad cough.
  • Signs of heart failure such as fast heartbeat, chest pain, inability to walk, swelling of the legs or other body parts, shortness of breath, fast weight gain. 
  • Severe signs of low blood pressure like having a skin that is pale, clammy, and cool; dizziness, weakness, sleepiness, fatigue,  and fainting.

To avoid these above mentioned side effects, remember to eat potassium-rich foods or supplements or consume with a banana to make up with the loss of potassium.

To ensure safety, please do not self-medicate.

Studied side effects

According to a study published in US Library of Medicine National Health Institute and conducted by Mary C. Tassell, Rosari Kingston, Deirdre Gilroy, Mary Lehane, and Ambrose Furey, they have noted that patients generally tolerated and has low adverse side effects as expected.

These are their conclusions regarding its side effects:

  •   There are no known contraindications in using during pregnancy although a doctor must be consulted first.
  • It has low toxicity and has a high therapeutic index.
  • Animal studies on tejocote roots have no evidence of toxicity.
  • It is unlikely to show long-term adverse side effects.

What is the dosage of tejocote root?

The proper dosage of Tejocote root depends on several factors like your medical conditions, age, gender. So it is best to consume it in a prescribed way in the package and consult your healthcare professional or pharmacist.

Suggested dosing:

Brewed tea:

Drink it for a maximum of three times a day with 1 teaspoon powder and 8 ounces of boiled water.


  • 300 to 1000 milliliters (ml) up to three times a day for dried powder
  • 0.5 to 1 milliliter (ml) up to three times a day for liquid extract
  • 1 to 2 milliliters (ml) up to three times a day for tincture.
  • 1 teaspoon daily for three times a day for syrup.
  • ¼ to ½ teaspoon once a day for solid extract

Tejocote root is often used as a capsule and has little information regarding its dosage. But manufacturers suggest that you should take a micro dose or in a capsule form with a glass full of water every day. Also, eat a banana a day when taking the product since you can lose potassium due to the side effect of frequent urination.

Here is a Tejocote product that is considered by many to be the best you can check out.

Who should not take tejocote root?

To ensure the user’s safety, individuals who have specific health conditions should not carelessly take it. 

  • Individuals who are above 65 and under 12 years of age.
  • Pregnant and breast-feeding women. Tejocote root acts as a strong laxative and can be harmful to you and the baby.
  • Individuals who have appendicitis and it’s symptoms (stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting). 
  • Individuals who are under medication and have serious medical conditions unless prescribed by the doctor.
  • People who are in the process of recovery from operations, etc.
  • If you are going on a diet that requires fasting, it is best not to consume it since it is not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.

Important Precautions

It may alter the menstrual cycle in women because of its metabolic changes and weight loss. Since women’s bodies are mostly controlled by hormones, it can result in some changes once they start to lose weight.

How can I take tejocote root extracts?

There are several ways on how to take Tejocote root or Mexican hawthorn, but the most common ways are these:

  • Continuous use within 3 consecutive months is recommended for effectiveness.
  • Do not skip your meals.
  • Consume meals that are high in potassium.
  •  If you are trying to lose weight using tejocote roots, make sure to eat healthy meals with a  variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Always take it with 2 to 3 liters of water.
  • Make sure that the product you buy is duly registered and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 
  • Purchase from an authorized distributor to ensure authenticity.

Drug or Herb Interactions

There has been no substantiated, proven, or raised issues regarding severe drug or herb interaction with tejocote root. However, to ensure the user’s health safety, it is better to consult first your doctor before taking any of the tejocote root products.

What are the tips in growing your own tejocote tree?

Many of you are asking or curious about how to plant or cultivate a tajocote tree since it is not just aesthetically great for your garden but can also be used with medicinal benefits or in culinary.

So, we will give you proper guides on how to do it. Make sure to give your effort and hard work since this tree is very sensitive to bugs, flies, and bacterial pests that bring so much damage to its fruits, leaves, bark, buds, and branches. Also, this tree is very responsive to extreme humidity, thus, it is drought-resistant, so there is no way that you can cultivate this in a cold place.

Growing in a tejocote in a container

  • Make sure that you separate the weaker seeds from the growing ones. If there are weak seeds, always remove them.
  • Tejocote tree is very sensitive to mildew.
  • Tejocote tree requires frequent and good hygiene. 
  • Do not touch them when it is wet.
  • It is recommended to water the foliage early in the morning.
  • If mildew appears, quickly treat it with an organic fungicide.


  • Make sure to clear the soil from any weeds and grasses.
  • Make a big, deep hole to accommodate the root ball.
  • Carefully plant it in a whole the same way you did in the pot or container.
  • Make sure to put back the soil firmly and dig a meter-long trench. 


As we have mentioned, tejocote trees grow in drought-prone areas, so it does not need constant watering. However, make sure that they are kept in a moist condition all the time.


  • Equally mixed the extracted seed with horticultural sand or a compost mixture in order to break dormancy.
  • Use 50% horticultural sand and 50% leaf mold or a peat-free compost.
  • Add two or three handfuls of mixtures to each handful of seeds.
  • Make sure to choose a pot that has enough space for the sand mixture.
  • Put a layer of stones in the bottom area and cover it with sand.
  • Next, place the sand mixture and cover it with 2 to 3 cm of sand.
  • Place the pots in a shady area outdoors.
  • Take note that the pot has to be placed outside in direct sunlight for eighteen months.
  • Make sure that it cannot be reached or touched by animals such as birds and mice.
  • Water the pots if it shows signs of drying like cracked soil.
  • Tejocote seeds are dormant so it needs patience while growing them.


  • Check the signs of germination.
  • If it has 10% signs of germination, then it is ready for sowing.
  • Sow three seeds in a pot of one liter.
  • Make sure to have 10 mm of grit or compost.
  • Firm the soil gently and water it.
  • On a seedbed, spread the seeds densely and aim for about 5mm distance from every seed.
  • Firm it again using a roller board. If you do not have it, just press the soil firmly using your hands.
  • Lastly, cover it with 5 to 10 mm of grit.

Extraction and storage

Tejocote fruits are easy to extract from trees so you do not need extra effort for this.

  • Mash the fruits and separate the seed and wastes through a sieve or colander.
  • You will be needing a bucket, flat-bottomed pole, a colander or sieve, and water supply.

Please consult your medical professional about Tejocote.

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